Tag Archives: relaxation


In bustling boardrooms, wherein battles brew,Work-life’s waltz is often askew.Meetings, memos, a manic monsoon,Muffling moments, a muted maroon. But a daring dreamer, determined to sway,Sought solace in place where scheduling sway.They packed their portfolio, fled the fife,Seeking serenity in a … Continue reading

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The Couch Potato’s Ode

I am a professional couch potato, A connoisseur of comfort and release. A sloth, a lazy beast, Give me a screen and I’ll spend hours at ease. I am a captain, sailing on my couch, Through the seas of Netflix … Continue reading

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I know my eyes are way too tired…

…when I rub them for a few minutes and it already feels like a 3 day vacation.

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A serenity waterfall wall only does two things for me…

…calms my nerves and makes me want to go pee. And as usual, NOT always in that order.

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