Tag Archives: NBC

The Cape:Cheesy? Yes. But It’s Got Heart…

Superheroes and superhero movies are all the rage.  So much so that it looks like in the next 6 years, there’s going to be at least one major superhero movie that will come out during the summer or winter. On … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching 10/23/10…

30 Rock: “Reaganing” – Coming off from their live episode they had last week, I had actually forgotten how scripted the jokes are and when you have more than one take to make the delivery.  It’s great to see alternate … Continue reading

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30 Rock East Coast Live Show…

Just caught the East Coast feed, and it was still pretty awesome. It had the burden of being first, so timing didn’t feel as sharp as the West Coast feed. But I did like the subtle differences between both versions, … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching Thur 10/14/10…

Wow, I still can’t believe how good the comedy was Thursday night — not that it hasn’t been funny, but tonight’s episodes were just utterly amazing.  It was as if each show I watched complimented each other, and when you’re … Continue reading

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Thursday Night Comedy TOTALLY AWESOME 10/14/10…

Here’s what I watched thus far: It’s Always Sunny in Philly The League The Big Bang Theory Community 30 Rock Outsourced The Office (in the middle of) And MAN, was comedy spot on tonight across the board. This was a … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching Wed. 10/13/10…

Out of all the nights of the week, Wednesday is pretty solid for narrative and comedy, but not without it’s caveats, which I’ll get to in a moment. Terriers: After a couple of episodes, this series continues to amuse and … Continue reading

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Television I’m Watching Mon 10/11/10…

Heading into another week of programming, and my tastes are starting to gel into what I really want to keep watching. But I don’t thing any show is completely safe from the chopping block, especially the old ones, at least … Continue reading

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Television that I’m Watching Thursday 10/7/10…

Man, Thursday night is really becoming quite a traffic jam of programming.  However, I’m just not ready to give anything up — but here’s what I actually watched that I didn’t go to my DVR for, so anything I’ve missed … Continue reading

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Television I’m Still Watching 10/6/10…

Terriers:  Tonight’s episode answered the question of how you get rid of a dead body by pretending that it actually died in ANOTHER accident.  It also gave closure to the Montague storyline – for now, anyways.  It might be a … Continue reading

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Outsourced: More Culture, More Clash…

Outsourced premiered last night, and for those that were unaware, the series is actually based on the film of the same name.  Both the film and the series share the same premise:  An American is sent to India because the … Continue reading

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