Tag Archives: ideas

The Naming No-Nos: Avoid These Baby Names at All Costs!

With new parents, they all want to give their children the perfect name – something unique, meaningful, and memorable. But let’s be real – not all names are created equal. In fact, there are some baby names out there that … Continue reading

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Analysis: What’s Next for Noah Centineo? Exploring Potential Projects for the Overnight Sensation

When “To All the Boys” premiered on Netflix in 2018, Noah Centineo became a household name almost overnight. And like any overnight sensation, the offers started pouring in – sequels to the film, TV roles, and rom-coms. But recreating the … Continue reading

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Elon Musk’s Hypothetical Departure as CEO of Twitter: The Good, The Bad, and The Tweetless?

Imagine a world without Elon Musk as the CEO of Twitter. It’s a scary thought, but it’s one that has been on the minds of many as rumors swirl about the possibility of his departure from the social media giant. … Continue reading

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10 Miracles We Can Still Achieve Before 2022 is Over

Disclaimer: These miracles may not actually be achievable before the end of 2022. Please do not attempt to time travel, teleport, shape-shift, or fly. The author takes no responsibility for any injury or mishap that may occur as a result … Continue reading

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The Importance of Exercise: Just Do Something (Even if It’s Just a Little Bit)

Exercise is often viewed as a daunting task that requires hours of sweat and dedication at the gym. But what if we told you that it’s not about the amount of exercise you do, but rather just making the effort … Continue reading

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“The Thousand Hamlets Within: A Reflection on the Inner Lives of Others”

The idea that there are a thousand hamlets in a thousand hearts is a poignant and thought-provoking concept that speaks to the unique and complex inner worlds that exist within each and every one of us. At its core, this … Continue reading

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Tourists in your city are a great reminder…

…That there will always be people that reinforce the fact that your city doesn’t always suck. 

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Sometimes you have to melt your brain…

…if you want to solidify a strange idea.

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All this calm floods my brain with ideas…

…like “bumper cars for babies.” Who am I kidding. I need coffee.

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We are often amused by the folly of muses…

…but when they strike lightning, we shan’t live without them.

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