Tag Archives: Fox

Things I’m Jazzed About Lately… 3/28/12

1. Alcatraz — The season finale gave a lot of great answers and still opened the floodgates of questions in my brain. If Cameron has his luck with water, then Abrams has his luck with island mysteries. 2. Rob Dyrdek’s … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching Fri 10/15/10…

I might start calling Friday nights “Underdog Fridays” because it’s either shows that are scraping by, or they’re gonna put up the best fight they can.  But in my mind, both shows I’m reviewing did just fine, and as long … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching 10/12/10…

Tonight was another successful night of television that once again filled my brain with narrative, while at the same time pushing out all that Psych 101 I’ve had in my head since I was an undergrad. Stargate Universe: YAY!  My … Continue reading

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TV I’m Watching NOT on TV…

Yes, that’s like saying a hyena that has a crazy laugh that is completely sensible.  In this day and age, it’s no surprise that we consume television content on alternate devices or systems.  The fact that I’m using two DVRs … Continue reading

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Television I’m Watching Mon 10/11/10…

Heading into another week of programming, and my tastes are starting to gel into what I really want to keep watching. But I don’t thing any show is completely safe from the chopping block, especially the old ones, at least … Continue reading

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Television That I’m Watching Fri 10/8/10…

Last year, it seemed like Friday night was more crowded (which is strange because most people stick shows in this time-slot because they either don’t have much confidence in it or it’s where they expect shows to die without a … Continue reading

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Lone Star: F–k, It’s Cancelled Already?…

Lone Star, we barely knew you.  After only two episodes, FOX is cutting it’s losses and closing up shop on this low-rated drama.  I guess it was once again a victim of it’s own niche.  Or, it really was a … Continue reading

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Lone Star: A Long Con On The Audience…

Suffice it to say, if Lone Star really does capture the heart of the viewers, than it’s a better Network con than original sin. The premise of the show surrounds Robert Allen, a con man that leads a secret double … Continue reading

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