Tag Archives: don draper

My Thoughts On Mad Men 513 The Phantom…

Man, did they jam pack a bunch of loose ends to tie up this season, huh? And Weiner even squeezed in an old blast from the past in order to really push the allegory home (to which I can’t believe … Continue reading

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Thoughts On Mad Men 512 Commissions And Fees…

My. Oh. My. It’s funny how we think we’re heading one way, and when really, we are swerving towards a destination we didn’t even know we considered going. That’s how I felt about tonight’s episode, and it’s funny to think … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Mad Men 511 The Other Woman…

I’d like to take a moment and thank those that have stopped by to read my thoughts — I enjoy all the comments, good and bad, and it’s nice to know that I’m not just shouting in the void. Anyway, … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Mad Men 510 Christmas Waltz…

The episode danced and swayed like the title says, with a harmonic balance of trinity as the sole force that held the narrative together. In short, it was pretty cool. I don’t think my thesis of this episode is perfect, … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Mad Men 509 Dark Shadows…

One word could sum up this week’s episode: COMPETITIVE. Whether it was between Megan and her friend, Pete against the partners, Betty against Megan and Don, or what will now be referred to as “MegaDon”, or Don vs. Ginsberg, each … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Mad Men 508 Lady Lazarus…

The meditations on life, love and death couldn’t be more apparent in this episode if Matthew Weiner himself didn’t write it — oh wait, he did!  Since he drew the scenes, they were once again drenched (pardon the pun) with … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Mad Men 507 At The Codfish Ball…

Looks like this week Weiner didn’t partake in the writing credit to this week’s episode, which would make the first time in 6 weeks that’s hasn’t happened.  No matter, it was still well crafted and had so much drama that … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Mad Men 506 Far Away Places…

Is it just me, or is Matthew Weiner all over the writing this season?  I remember previous seasons where he might come in on the story construction part, but it seems this year he’s helping to write almost everything that … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Mad Men 505 “Signal 30″…

Another week, and another amazing character study — correct that, character studies with some of our favorite periphery characters.  Although Don is always the central draw, this episode gave a lot of attention to the other cogs at SCDP, and … Continue reading

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Mad Men 504 “Mystery Date”…

Wow, tonight’s episode featured neo-noir, suspense, hyper-surreality, blackmail and a dude that won’t admit that he’d rather be around death and uncertainty than be a family man. So what worked for me? 1. Sally, her Step-Grandma and a bigass knife … Continue reading

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