Tag Archives: beat poetry

The Last Layover

Under the streetlight’s hum,The bottle runs dry,No rhythm left to strum,In the city’s sigh,The towel drops,Pale as forgotten hopes,Now smeared with life’s grime,This journey halts here,No more paths to tread,Only the quiet of twilight,And the murmur of the wind,Farewell, fierce … Continue reading

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The Sizzle of Noodle Streets

In the alley, a dance of fire,woks and sparks, a wild choir—noodle strands in twilight’s grip,sizzling secrets, oil’s drip. Flavor dreams on chopstick tips,each bite a journey, a thousand trips.Streetlight shadows, steam’s embrace,fried noodles, life’s savory grace.

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Bottle Blues

Burnished amber glow,echoes of grainDistilled dreamsIn moonlit bottles,Jazz and jive,the liquid flameSlips downto drown the sorrow,the midnight howl.

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Frozen Reverie

Vanilla whispers from corner conesBeneath neon nights and summer moans,Melting laughter on sticky hands,Childhood dreams in rainbow bands,Chocolate rivers down our chins,Sweet echoes of innocent sins.

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The Silent Sorrow

Silent streets echo the hollow,Ghosts of dreams long forgotten,Whispers of heartache, buried deep,In the quiet of night, we weep.

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