The Top 5 Xmas Action Films to Watch (If You Want to Ruin Your Holidays)

Are you tired of the same old heartwarming holiday films that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Well, if you’re in the mood to mix things up and add a little bit of action to your holiday movie lineup, then this list is for you! These are the top 5 Christmas action films to watch if you want to ruin your holidays (in the best way possible, of course). From buddy cop movies to mischievous creatures causing chaos, these films are sure to add some excitement to your holiday season. So sit back, grab some eggnog (or something a little stronger), and get ready to watch some holiday cheer get blown to bits.

  1. “Die Hard” – Because nothing says holiday cheer like watching a man single-handedly take down a group of terrorists in a high-rise building. Bonus points if you can quote every line from the movie.
  2. “Lethal Weapon” – What better way to spread holiday cheer than with a buddy cop movie filled with explosions, gunfire, and bickering? Plus, there’s a heartwarming subplot about a depressed man finding the true meaning of Christmas.
  3. “Bad Santa” – This film takes the traditional heartwarming holiday movie and turns it on its head with a protagonist who is a drunken, profane mall Santa. Definitely not for the faint of heart (or those easily offended).
  4. “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” – This offbeat action-comedy stars Robert Downey Jr. as a thief pretending to be an actor, and Val Kilmer as a private detective. With a plot that twists and turns at every turn, it’s the perfect holiday movie for those who like their cheer with a side of chaos.
  5. “Gremlins” – Who needs festive cheer when you can have a bunch of mischievous creatures causing havoc all over town? Just make sure you follow the three rules: don’t get them wet, don’t expose them to bright light, and never feed them after midnight.

So if you’re in the mood to shake things up and ruin the holiday spirit, give one of these action-packed Christmas movies a watch. Or, you know, you could just stick with “It’s a Wonderful Life” like a normal person.

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