It’s been awhile…

A lot has changed since the last time I really wrote anything.  Or told a dick joke on here.

I’ve mostly been limiting myself on Twitter because frankly, the instant gratification is better on that platform and I was a little tired of teasing people in my subject line to have them click on whatever thing I wrote after the ellipses.  So I just went the 140 character route.

I’ve also been hashtag gaming a lot to get more exposure out there.  It’s kinda worked, and it kinda hasn’t.  The internet lets you know right away when you suck.  But I press on.

I’ve also tried Periscoping now.  If you don’t know what that is, please Google it.  It will either prove to be invaluable to you or a new time-suck that you’ll hate me for later.  So far, I’ve broadcasted a few bits here and there, but I find that I really don’t have a face for TV so I’m sticking with being a better commentator.  Sometimes that seems to work too.  I get new followers mostly from that, which is really strange.

I’ve also got a new work schedule, so now I work later in the day and leave early in the morning.  For the mornings I wake up at a decent hour, that means I have more time to study and write, which is what I should be doing anyway.  Since I’m also a major workaholic, I check on the latest reports from work so that I go in prepared.  Nothing like being half shod when the world comes flying at you.  Not the best place to be.

So if you’re still reading this, I thank you for your loyalty and your viewership.  Writing seems to be a solitary journey until someone else reads it.

Take care and have a good morning.

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